




'[mdlSupervisor - 標準モジュール]
Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Dim mcInLayer As classInputLayer
Dim mcHLayer1 As classHiddenLayer
Dim mcHLayer2 As classHiddenLayer
Dim mcOutLayer As classOutputLayer

'[引数] <- aWsInputData : Worksheet / 入力データのあるシート
'[戻り値] -> なし
Private Sub setUnitCount(ByRef aWsInputData As Worksheet)
    With aWsInputData
        G.UnitCount_IN = .Cells(RW.DATA_TITLE, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 1
    End With
    G.UnitCount_H1 = 3
    G.UnitCount_H2 = 4
    G.UnitCount_OUT = 3
End Sub

'[引数] <- なし
'[戻り値] -> なし
Private Sub makeUnit()
    Dim actHidden As Long
    Dim actOutput As Long
    Set mcInLayer = New classInputLayer
    Set mcHLayer1 = New classHiddenLayer
    Set mcHLayer2 = New classHiddenLayer
    Set mcOutLayer = New classOutputLayer
    With ws_Main
        actHidden = getActivationFunction(.Range(G.RNG_ACT_HIDDEN).Value)
        actOutput = getActivationFunction(.Range(G.RNG_ACT_OUTPUT).Value)
    End With

    Call mcHLayer1.Initialize(G.UnitCount_H1, G.UnitCount_IN, actHidden)
    Call mcHLayer2.Initialize(G.UnitCount_H2, G.UnitCount_H1, actHidden)
    Call mcOutLayer.Initialize(G.UnitCount_OUT, G.UnitCount_H2, actOutput)
End Sub

Public Sub Click_学習開始()
    Call StartTrain
End Sub

Public Sub Click_テスト開始()
    Call StartTest
End Sub

Public Sub Click_学習状況クリア()
    Call clearResult
End Sub

Public Sub StartTrain()
    Dim r As Long
    Dim c As Long
    Dim eRow As Long
    Dim eCol As Long
    Dim label As String
    Dim t() As Long
    Dim datas() As Double
    Dim res() As Double
    Dim e As Double
    Dim sumE As Double
    Dim i As Long
    Dim epoc As Long
    Dim minLoss As Double
    Dim maxEpoc As Long
    Dim cnt As Long
    Dim ansIndex As Long
    Dim ansRate As Double

    Call setUnitCount(ws_Train_Data_Input)
    Call makeUnit
    With ws_Main
        G.LearningRate = CDbl(.Range(G.RNG_LEARNING_RATE).Value)
        minLoss = CDbl(.Range(G.RNG_MIN_LOSS).Value)
        maxEpoc = CLng(.Range(G.RNG_MAX_EPOCH).Value)
        If .Range(G.RNG_W_LOAD).Value = "はい" Then
            Call mcHLayer1.LoadWeight(ws_WI_H1)
            Call mcHLayer2.LoadWeight(ws_WI_H2)
            Call mcOutLayer.LoadWeight(ws_WI_Out)
            Call mcHLayer1.SaveWeight(ws_WI_H1)
            Call mcHLayer2.SaveWeight(ws_WI_H2)
            Call mcOutLayer.SaveWeight(ws_WI_Out)
        End If
    End With
    Call clearResult
    On Error GoTo ErrorLabel
    With ws_Train_Data_Input
        eRow = .Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        eCol = .Cells(RW.DATA_TITLE, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column
        ReDim datas(eCol - 1)

            epoc = epoc + 1
            If epoc > maxEpoc Then
                Exit Do
            End If
            sumE = 0
            cnt = 0
            For r = 2 To eRow
                cnt = cnt + 1
                For c = 2 To eCol
                    datas(c - 1) = .Cells(r, c).Value
                label = .Cells(r, CL.DATA_LABEL).Value
                t = getT(G.UnitCount_OUT, label)

                Call mcHLayer1.Forward(datas)
                Call mcHLayer2.Forward(mcHLayer1.OutputDataList)
                Call mcOutLayer.Forward(mcHLayer2.OutputDataList)
                ansIndex = mcOutLayer.GetAnswerIndex
                ansRate = mcOutLayer.GetAnswerRate(ansIndex)
                Call getAnswer(ws_Train_Result, r, ansIndex, ansRate, label)
                res = mcOutLayer.OutputDataList
                e = ML.crossEntropyError(t, res)
                sumE = sumE + e
                Call mcOutLayer.Backprop(t)
                For i = 1 To G.UnitCount_H2
                    Call mcHLayer2.Backprop(i, mcOutLayer.deltaList, mcOutLayer.GetWeightList(i))
                For i = 1 To G.UnitCount_H1
                    Call mcHLayer1.Backprop(i, mcHLayer2.deltaList, mcHLayer2.GetWeightList(i))

            With ws_Main
                .Cells(epoc, CL.LOSS_).Value = (sumE / cnt)
                .Cells(epoc, CL.LOSS_CORRECT).Value = .Range(G.RNG_TRAIN_CORRECT_COUNT).Value
            End With
        Loop Until sumE / cnt < minLoss

    End With
    Call mcHLayer1.SaveWeight(ws_W_H1)
    Call mcHLayer2.SaveWeight(ws_W_H2)
    Call mcOutLayer.SaveWeight(ws_W_Out)
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "パラメータが発散しました。", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation

End Sub

Public Sub StartTest()
    Dim r As Long
    Dim c As Long
    Dim eRow As Long
    Dim eCol As Long
    Dim label As String
    Dim t() As Long
    Dim datas() As Double
    Dim ansIndex As Long
    Dim irisName As String
    Dim ansRate As Double

    Call setUnitCount(ws_Test_Data_Input)
    Call makeUnit
    Call mcHLayer1.LoadWeight(ws_W_H1)
    Call mcHLayer2.LoadWeight(ws_W_H2)
    Call mcOutLayer.LoadWeight(ws_W_Out)
    With ws_Test_Data_Input
        eRow = .Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        eCol = .Cells(RW.DATA_TITLE, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column
        ReDim datas(eCol - 1)
        For r = 2 To eRow
            For c = 2 To eCol
                datas(c - 1) = .Cells(r, c).Value
            label = .Cells(r, CL.DATA_LABEL).Value
            t = getT(G.UnitCount_OUT, label)
            Call mcHLayer1.Forward(datas)
            Call mcHLayer2.Forward(mcHLayer1.OutputDataList)
            Call mcOutLayer.Forward(mcHLayer2.OutputDataList)

            ansIndex = mcOutLayer.GetAnswerIndex
            ansRate = mcOutLayer.GetAnswerRate(ansIndex)
            Call getAnswer(ws_Test_Result, r, ansIndex, ansRate, label)
    End With

End Sub

Private Sub getAnswer(ByRef wsResult As Worksheet, ByRef tr As Long, ByRef ansIndex As Long, ByRef ansRate As Double, ByRef label As String)
    Dim irisName As String
        Select Case ansIndex
            Case IRIS.SETOSA
                irisName = G.VAL_SETOSA
            Case IRIS.VERSICOLOR
                irisName = G.VAL_VERSICOLOR
            Case IRIS.VIRGINICA
                irisName = G.VAL_VIRGINICA
        End Select
    With wsResult
            .Cells(tr, CL.RESULT_LABEL).Value = label
            .Cells(tr, CL.RESULT_ANSWER).Value = irisName
            .Cells(tr, CL.RESULT_RATE).Value = Format(ansRate, "0.0%")
            .Cells(tr, CL.RESULT_TF).Value = (irisName = label)
    End With
End Sub

Private Function getT(ByRef tCount As Long, ByRef label As String) As Long()
    Dim labels() As Long
    ReDim labels(tCount)
    Select Case label
        Case G.VAL_SETOSA
            labels(IRIS.SETOSA) = 1
            labels(IRIS.VERSICOLOR) = 1
        Case G.VAL_VIRGINICA
            labels(IRIS.VIRGINICA) = 1
    End Select
    getT = labels
End Function

Private Sub clearResult()

    With ws_Train_Result
        .Cells(1, CL.RESULT_LABEL).Value = "ラベル"
        .Cells(1, CL.RESULT_ANSWER).Value = "NNの答え"
        .Cells(1, CL.RESULT_RATE).Value = "自信度"
        .Cells(1, CL.RESULT_TF).Value = "判定"
    End With

    With ws_Test_Result
        .Cells(1, CL.RESULT_LABEL).Value = "ラベル"
        .Cells(1, CL.RESULT_ANSWER).Value = "NNの答え"
        .Cells(1, CL.RESULT_RATE).Value = "自信度"
        .Cells(1, CL.RESULT_TF).Value = "判定"
    End With
    With ws_Main
        .Range(.Columns(CL.LOSS_), .Columns(CL.LOSS_CORRECT)).Clear
    End With
End Sub

Private Function getActivationFunction(ByRef arg As String) As Long
    Dim res As Long
    Select Case arg
        Case G.VAL_ACT_ReLU
            res = ACT.ReLU
        Case G.VAL_ACT_Softmax
            res = ACT.Softmax
    End Select
    getActivationFunction = res
End Function
